How can I select the alert options that I require?
Last updated
Last updated
Go to Settings
Select Change Alert Settings
Review the available alert options in the settings panel
Enable each alert types you want to receive based on the device you own.
Save your changes
Alerts will be sent to email addresses listed under Account Information > Contacts
Navigate to Change Alert Settings
Locate the alert options you want to disable
Uncheck the boxes for alerts you no longer want to receive
Keep boxes checked for alerts you want to continue receiving
Save your changes
All enabled alerts will be sent to registered email addresses and phone numbers
You can modify alert settings at any time
Changes take effect immediately after saving
Multiple alert types can be enabled simultaneously
Regularly review your alert settings
Ensure contact information is up to date
Enable only the alerts you need
Test new alert settings after making changes
Remember to check your contact information under Account Information > Contacts to ensure alerts are being sent to the correct email addresses.
You can:
Enable specific alerts while keeping others disabled
Update multiple alert settings in one session
Review your current alert configuration at any time
Adjust settings based on your changing needs