ELD Cancellation Process

How to Cancel Your Matrack ELD Service

Before You Cancel

We value your business and want to ensure you get the best possible service. If you're experiencing any issues with your device or service, our support team is here to help resolve them.

Cancellation Process

Step 1: Submit Cancellation Form

  1. Visit our cancellation page:

  2. Complete all required fields in the form

  3. Submit the form

Step 2: Device Return

  • A return shipping label will be provided for your convenience

  • Package your ELD device securely

  • Use the provided return label to ship the device back

Important Information

  • Auto-pay will be stopped only after submitting the online cancellation form

  • Return shipping label will be provided

Processing Timeline

  1. Form submission

  2. Cancellation review (1 business day)

  3. Return label generation

  4. Account deactivation

  5. Auto-pay termination

Need Assistance?

If you're experiencing issues that led to this decision, we'd love to help:

  • Contact our technical support team

  • Report device problems

  • Discuss service concerns

  • Explore alternative solutions

For any questions about the cancellation process or to discuss your concerns, please contact our customer support team.

Last updated